What you get - BizCard

Business Cards that connect on the phone

William Nicholls

Last Update 3 months ago

"I want to share my contact details on my Business Card"

BizCard is the most modern, phone friendly, version of the old fashioned Cardboard card and yet, with Maltix, you can print those too, if you want.

It replaces Linktree and a number of other cheap alternatives, BUT because we use Dynamic QR not Static QR as they do, all upgrades = QR continuity 

  • BizCard, a VCard, which is essentially an online business card, lives in your smartphone and allows you to share your details by QR code, link, Share or NFC transfer, on the spot.
  • Your vCard is saved as a vcf file, which is the Internet standard for sharing contact information.
  • You always have access to, and control over, your data and content.
  • You can download a print ready version to make your cardboard ones if you still need them.
  • You can update your details 24x7 and have them live, in a minute or two, without further cost and under your full control.
  • You can add links to your Events and Calendly.
  • You get Worldwide 24 hour turnaround.
  • You can Print locally on the day.
  • You have All print formats available.
  • For a small cost, we can migrate your Link Tree, or similar, for you.


One BizCard is Included in all QR Site modules

New: Photo QR 

QR Link included with Scan and Click reporting system

Business Card example

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