How to SEO your TAWK Articles

PhoneSite operators

William Nicholls

Last Update 8 months ago

Use Tawk support for more information.

TAWK are very helpful To optimise your articles and categories for SEO, follow these steps:

1. Public Articles: Ensure your articles are set to public so they can be indexed by Google. Public articles will be displayed in your knowledge base and are available to anyone with access to the URL.

2. Categories: Properly categorise your articles. Setting up your categories right makes it easier for your visitors to find the information they're looking for. You can select multiple categories per article, with one being the Primary Category.

3. Parent Categories: Create Parent Categories to contain several smaller categories. If you're not nesting categories, you can leave the Parent Category option as the default Top Level Category.

4. Descriptions: Add brief descriptions to your categories. This will appear in the list view when a visitor browses your Knowledge Base, alongside articles, and in the metadata.

5. Order of Articles: Arrange your articles in the order you want them to appear. This makes it easy to draw attention to the articles you want your readers to see first.

6. Breadcrumbs Menu: When a visitor searches directly for an article, the primary category will appear in the breadcrumbs menu above the article. This helps in keeping information organised and easy to find.

How to SEO your TAWK Articles

Terminology: Apps have multiple screens.

  • Splash/Welcome screen. 
  • Home screen. 
  • Log-in/Log-Out screen.
  • Profile screen. 
  • Settings screen.
  • Chat Screen Tawk
  • Status Screen 
  • Privacy Policy Screen TAWK
  • Terms & Condition Screen TAWK

Example: How to SEO your TAWK Articles

Case Study so far.....................

The Maltix Knowledge Base has 58 Categories and 12 Top categories

Connected to those categories are 600 articles each indexed to Google and Ai search.

Some of the Top categories, sub categories and articles are directly connected to the PhoneSite navigation.

Unlike a website page, an App screen has multiple TAWK connections that are indexed for SEO.

In other words, every Screen is separately SEO

Therefore, every Screen must have multiple categories and multiple articles connected to it.

Example: PhoneSite SME Screen

Ask AI to create your Categories, this is how they are created

Create categories for Maltix PhoneSite SME inside the tawk knowledge base:

How to SEO your TAWK Articles 

1. Top level Category: PhoneSite App
2. Go to the knowledge base section. This is usually located in the sidebar menu or under the "Settings" tab.
3. Click on "Manage Categories" or a similar option to access the category management page.
4. Click on the "Add Category" button to create a new category.
5. Enter a name for the category. For example, you can use "Maltix PhoneSite" as the category name.
6. Add a description for the category if desired. This can provide additional context or information about the category.
7. Choose an appropriate icon or image to represent the category. This can help users quickly identify the content related to Maltix PhoneSite.
8. Save the category to create it.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 if you need to create additional categories for different aspects or features of Maltix PhoneSite.
10. Once all the categories are created, you can start adding articles or FAQs to each category.
11. Click on a category to access its content management page.
12. Click on the "Add Article" or "Add FAQ"

Top Category  "PhoneSite App" 

Sub Category 1 Clients PhoneSite's

Sub Category 2 Shop Maltix QR

And so forth and so forth.

There are SEVEN sub categories and EIGHTY articles just for PhoneSite

Articles SEO your App How to SEO your TAWK Articles

Every article should adhere to a SEO optimisation regime (Best practice)

Your Lares VA Clerical are trained to create your Categories and the consequent articles.

On average they take 2 to 3 hours to set up your categories and then they create two articles an hour. 

This is documented in the Book Time

Every article must link back to your Phonesite Registration. Click the example

If you want to find out how this will help your business, please enter your details here

or PhoneSite Engage Page. Click the example

Engage with Maltix for specific help for your Business

Push notifications are your future reward 

Proof of the pudding

Google or Ai search Maltix PhoneSite 

Consistently it's Tawk articles and YouTube that links to articles and drives interest to the App

Track on your PhoneSite analytics

How to SEO your TAWK Articles

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