Why register and be part of the Maltix Tribe ?
William Nicholls
Last Update 4 months ago

By registering for Maltix you gain access to the following benefits.
- Forever Login ( You only ever have to login once unless you clear cookies and cache)
- Access to Maltix 24/7 365 chat service and Ai driven Knowledge base
- Maltix Tribes membership:- Maltix WhatsApp chatroom, Maltix Affiliate channel, Maltix QR tribe and others
- Maltix surveys:- (Take part and get results)
- Access to Beta programmes:-
- Regular news and product development updates:-
- Access to Board members:-
- Access to afiiliateship:-
- Access to other income opportunities:-
- The goody bag:- (Lots of freebies)
- Networking opportunities
- *Access to QR Site Event share
- Promote your business to all registrants
- Private in App chat
- Private mentoring
Maltix QR Site Register here
Your Events hosted on a professional QR event platform and distributed via Event notifications via every participating QR Site Web App user
Contact Janine or Rosie HERE
Details on the benefits of using registration as a visitor or when you operate your own QR Site below