How to Convert pdf
For you articles in the Knowledge Base
William Nicholls
Last Update 6 months ago
- Summarise this file into a brief 1 page .pdf document LINK
- Then saved the response as a word document and then into a .pdf for the promo booth ....and then through /adobe and converted to images and created a tawk article using images LINK
- Next thing I experimented with is for a regular monthly health article I write for a magazine. I used this tawk article I published a few days ago. I copied the whole document into a word piece, tweaked it and sent it to the publisher in under 5 minutes. I also asked perplexity.AI to summarise and that will form a LinkedIn newsletter in a moment with a link to the tawk article. Loving this!
My first attempt and quite pleased with it as a way to get .pdf documents on tawk
Thank you Elaine for this brilliant insight especially for @Maurice Watts @Minster Development Centre and Clerical VA assigned to create Knowledge Base articles in the future.
Imagine a massive pdf back catalogue - no problem using ( Do not download the App from the App store, its a con. Just use a bookmark, simple !