How to Convert pdf

For you articles in the Knowledge Base

William Nicholls

Last Update 6 months ago

  • Summarise this file into a brief 1 page .pdf document LINK

  • Then saved the response as a word document and then into a .pdf for the promo booth ....and then through /adobe and converted to images and created a tawk article using images LINK

  • Next thing I experimented with is for a regular monthly health article I write for a magazine. I used this tawk article I published a few days ago. I copied the whole document into a word piece, tweaked it and sent it to the publisher in under 5 minutes. I also asked perplexity.AI to summarise and that will form a LinkedIn newsletter in a moment with a link to the tawk article. Loving this!
My first attempt and quite pleased with it as a way to get .pdf documents on tawk

I know there is so much to take in, I appreciate that. But, when you are creating Knowledge Base articles, the shared knowledge you acquire will dramatically lower the time you spend doing it and allow you to switch between all established technologies like pdf 

Thank you Elaine for this brilliant insight especially for @Maurice Watts @Minster Development Centre and Clerical VA assigned to create Knowledge Base articles in the future. 

Imagine a massive pdf back catalogue - no problem using ( Do not download the App from the App store, its a con. Just use a bookmark, simple !

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