The Background of SaaS for SME
A Précis from Maltix
William Nicholls
Last Update 3 months ago
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The origins of the thinking process of Maltix go back to the 1990's, involved in establishing the UK's largest British Internet Consultancy via a Master Franchise brand.
The lessons of yester-year intermingled with the dominance of big tech, the emergence of Unix operating systems and the utter belief that the dominant business device would eventually become the Smart phone, spawned a future dream based on a collection of robust technologies, some old some new.
Built for the Smartphone user, they just know!
Through diligent surveys and observations in the marketplace, Maltix belief systems have been reinforced by the proof that small business has been squashed into an obsolete belief system based on Google search, App stores, API integrations, Plugins and Websites.
We also discovered the realisation that small business owners have fudged the value of their time working in their business and not on their business.
And that the sales cycle was based on the referral, partly broken by reliance on the prevalence of consumer sites. Maltix addresses secure data retrieval and recycling through recommended secure third party CRM and Newsletter systems, in conjunction with Smart Form Page technology within Maltix QR Lite and Push notification technology within Maltix QR Site.
Simultaneously Maltix has accurately predicted that the Gen Z and Millennial gravitate towards phone technology and naturally and unequivocally, rebuff PC based technology on their phone.
They also understand that App store downloads slow down their phone and book marked Apps are the complete answer.
They just know that App registration rewards them, and they then have control over what they want to receive on their phone and the App access rewards afforded to them through membership subscriptions.
At Maltix we offer a radical, faster, simpler, greener alternative approach that removes incessant business owners tech time, wasted money and embattled patience.
The entry point Lite, Life and Site business systems, not only smash production times, they massively exceed expectations of change.
Our clients discover a smoother freer and refreshingly cathartic migration of technology with pre all conceived barriers removed.
Clerical VA & Book Time
Maltix business systems have elements that are truly game changers
- QR Lite, QR Life and QR Site entry pricing is fixed at pricing never before seen in the marketplace
- Governed by highly trained Real person Virtual Assistants and generous allotted time for your project
- Flexible Shops that address the fiscal drag in the economy with Stripe and PayPal shops that combine subscriptions and calendar
- A robust Ai driven Knowledge base with optional chat room and ticketing system, ensures 100% editorial control at all times. (All roads lead to Rome)
Maltix Book Time
The triangular relationship between advanced App based time keeping and shared project management allows 100% investment transparency for business growth within all Maltix Business systems, all available with the help of a trained VA Clockify Timekeeping
The origins of book time in the motor trade can be traced back to the early days of automotive repair. As cars became more complex and specialised, it became necessary for mechanics to have a standardised way of estimating the time required to complete specific repair tasks.
Book time, also known as flat rate time or labour time, is a predetermined number of hours that is assigned to each repair job based on industry standards. These standards are typically set by vehicle manufacturers, automotive associations, or labor time guide publishers.
The concept of book time was first introduced in the early 20th century when the automotive industry was rapidly growing. As more cars were being produced, there was a need for a consistent method of estimating repair times to ensure fair pricing and efficient workflow in repair shops.
Initially, book time was determined by experienced mechanics who would estimate the time required to complete a repair based on their own expertise. However, this method lacked consistency and led to variations in repair times from one mechanic to another.
To address this issue, automotive manufacturers and industry associations began developing standardised labour time guides. These guides provided a comprehensive list of repair tasks along with the estimated time required to complete each task. The times listed in these guides were based on extensive research and testing conducted by professionals in the field.