What you Get - Maltix QR Lite Mood

QR that changes with your mood

William Nicholls

Last Update 3 months ago

"Genius- The QR on all our Merchandise is always the same but what it connects to can change regularly"

QR that connects to a large array of QR landing pages depending on your mood. this is a serviced product using real people VA
  • Book you VA and choose which the landing page that suits you Mood!
  • Before you print merchandise, for example, order a Designer QR Frame and stand out in the crowd.
  • New MASTER QR available with multiple links you can change

QR landing page options, change regularly, with Lares VA services.

"Forever QR" stays the same

£149 SET UP & £19 per month subscription

3 hours Clerical VA included

Order HERE

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