What's meant by “Virtual Assistant”.
With Lares its always real people
Maurice Watts
Last Update 2 months ago

The narrative
Increasingly, in the modern world, we talk about a virtual assistant but, like many other terms used, what's meant is almost the opposite to what's meant by the people saying the word. There is no consistent overarching definition or understanding of what's meant by “Virtual Assistant”.
Increasingly it's used for assistants who are not real human beings, but those ought to be called Ai assistants or Bots.
If you mean an assistant that isn't employed by an organisation, other than their own organisation, which might in it’s turn, be a multiple of virtual assistants then that would be a VA agency and at best that would mean that the people doing the work should more properly be called Zero Hour Contract Assistants
If we come to what we mean by that, in Maltix, then we are undoubtedly talking about human beings and pretty highly skilled ones at that.
As a company we provide business services for SMEs and entrepreneurs to be able to run their businesses from a smartphone tablet or any other platform they chose they choose 24/7 anywhere in the world.
In order to do that, we have to utilise some pretty sophisticated tech from dedicated systems all the way up to full blown AI assisted systems. The big difference between us and almost any other supplier, even on fairly simple business systems, is that we don't expect our end users to have to learn much, if any, tech themselves.
We believe that the businessman's job is to do business using business systems and that learning tech probably only once while they set their systems up and then when they make sure the systems are running and maybe once a year thereafter to update things, is a ridiculous burden on their pockets, their time, and their learning capacity when, if we provide, a skilled virtual assistant, who understands the relevant tech perfectly, having been trained on it, they can then do the onboarding and the setting up and everything else, and the updating, for a modest fee, leaving the businessmen free to use the business systems to do their business.
You’d think that this was a relatively simple proposition, yet you would be amazed how many times as part of our business pitches we get asked about the technology or the platforms that we're going to be using as if in some way that mattered to people who only want to do business.
The reality is that, even if we told them, it wouldn't give them any indication at all, of how efficacious our application of the tech was, particularly if they have had to set it up themselves unaided.
June 2024 Maltix launches assigned and highly trained Virtual Assistants into a minimum of 5 hours onboarding time, with QR Lite Entry and QR Site Web App products.
Virtual Assistant task using Book Time integrated with online real-time tracking and reporting.
Book Time represents financial transparency like no other small business systems Co out there ! Plan your investment with confidence
William Nicholls
CEO Maltix Ltd