In App privacy for all Maltix QR Site


Maurice Watts

Last Update 3 months ago

GDPR & Privacy within this Maltix app

This app has been built and reviewed to ensure it complies with GDPR and privacy legislation. It complies because:

  1. The data collected can be adjusted to ensure only the required data is collected to use the app.
  2. Terms can be adjusted to ensure they meet legislation and explain the data that is collected in order for the app to function and that users agree to the terms before using the app.
  3. Data is securely stored and managed. All data sent to the data source is encrypted and securely stored within your account.
  4. Only cookies required for the app to function are utilised. Full details can be found at
  5. Access to data stored within the app is restricted by Lares VA Technical to users who have been given access
  6. Data can be reviewed, copied and deleted at any time via Burger bar admin access to conform to data requests.
  7. Data is encrypted to disable anyone from seeing the data within your data source. Note, doing this means the data cannot be viewed so it is only recommended for data that does not need to be viewed by Lares VA support services.
  8. Under GDPR Fliplet is a sub processor and we comply with GDPR's regulations of sub processors?
  9. Users of this app should verify the app conforms to all required legislation before launching this app.
  10. A new Privacy Policy screen can be added to this app and or Smart form pages associated with CRM automation

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