Why Register your interest?

Why Register? Whats in it for me ?

William Nicholls

Last Update 2 months ago

Why Register?

Register on the App for complete control of your Profile, User settings and your Notifications.

We answer your questions.

  • I want to be able to record and communicate with new prospects at the time I meet them

  • I want to run my business from my phone

  • I want to show people about my products or services at the time I meet them

  • I want to offer them a shop to buy from when I meet them or at any time in the future

  • I have a large amount of items to show to customers in the gallery and shop I would like to have a CRM that does most of the work for me and available on my smartphone at all times

  • My website increasingly has expensive plugins updates and add-ons that are beginning to cause me problems both technically and financially I'd love a much simpler cheaper, way

  • I'd love something that works like a website on a desktop and an app on a smartphone that loaded much faster it cost only 20% to run

  • I would love to be able to have some business automation in my small business without it costing me a fortune or taking weeks of consultancy

  • I want to see a cheaper faster more effective more SEO friendly version of my website, that runs perfectly on a smartphone without having a different version, that saves me a lot of money compared with what I'm doing now

  • I need to outsource the stuff that takes up too much of my time
  • My website doesn't register my users, I cannot push relevant information to leads directly onto their phone, I need prospects not leads !
  • I want to monetise my career knowledge

More questions? please add them to your Register form

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