Easy Pay Subscriptions

Includes the option of Lares Design for your project

William Nicholls

Last Update 10 days ago

"They say the look and feel of a project is 90% of the initial effort, when its completed, the functionality of your Business modules takes over, to become the actual 90%"

Will Nicholls CEO Maltix Ltd


Your standards & Brand Bible will be created

Maltix Modules with Lares VA Design monthly plan includes Elevator pitch video and Designer QR frame

QR Site SME: Most popular

"All artwork has to be signed off as complete, before we can start your project"

Will Nicholls

CEO Maltix Ltd

Maltix Modules with no Lares VA Design 

monthly plan

95% of Maltix SaaS for SME is clerical work, there is a brilliant solution that frees you up to work on your business.

You cannot run a small business chained to a PC

"If you value your time at £15 an hour or more, why on earth would you not use the services of a trained Lares Virtual assistant ?"
Chief VA

Order the hours you require: Lares VA Clerical SHOP 

Visit the Maltix Web App for more ideas on how to grow your business

Time management using Clockify

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