What you get - Designer QR Frame library
Licenced to Maltix Ltd
William Nicholls
Last Update a month ago
Legals IP protected Image traced
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
Look at some recent frames for inspiration
The Maltix dynamic QR has a complete and very sophisticated DASHBOARD back office and reporting system managed by your Virtual Assistant.
Your Dynamic QR can look beautiful with a customised frame and call to action
Go from this:

To this !
Industry specific example

Or Photo QR, ideal for BizCard (Order Photo QR)
Connected to LINK

Photo QR is only available with BizCard SHOP HERE
Designer QR Frame library
The Maltix Designer QR Frame library is an innovative serviced resource with a wide range of design options and templates to choose from.
LARES VA Design create unique and eye-catching QR frames that align with brand or personal style.
Designer QR gets you scans and clicks. Take a look
Whether it's for marketing campaigns, event invitations, projected backdrops, or product packaging, the Maltix Designer QR Frame library provides an innovative solution for incorporating QR codes into visual design with a Call to Action, that changes throughout the year.
One detailed Branching Logic Smart form Page now included in every Designer QR frame. Example
Automated shops and branching logic
Bespoke QR below are fully serviced £49 annual subscription
With VA Design time for Call to Action tweaks and changes.

Automotive LINK

Hospitality LINK

Real Estate LINK

The Professional LINK

Health and Fitness LINK

LIVE Entertainment LINK