Maltix Master QR

Available within QR Business Application, PWA and Corporate subscriptions

William Nicholls

Last Update 6 days ago

Included in PhoneLite Entry and all PhoneSite Modules 

This is an outsource VA Clerical service.

The QR landing pages and links can be changes as regularly as you wish.

ONE dynamic QR for your entire Company

Maltix Master QR 
Single SCAN to All Maltix Products
Single URL
One QR for Zoom and Meet backdrops
Limitless in situ Call to action
Limitless Design Frame choices
Click Touch or Scan reporting system
Optional bespoke design service for individual Carcass design
Smart Form Page options galore
Data automation to CRM using changing campaigns
Simple, post print editable one sided Business Cards
Dazzle Social media with one QR link

All download formats available.

Individual options are also available within Maltix QR Business Application plan and beyond.

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