Book Launch EVENT

Book launch, a new holistic QR approach

William Nicholls

Last Update 3 days ago

Notes and Links from todays EVENT

QR Lite or Site is a solution of many joined up components including author legal compliance, Event platforms, BizCard, Shops with subscriptions, Surveys, DocuSign, Likert Survey, Knowledge Base, CRM and more.

The client has no need to understand any of this, it's all part of LARES VA support services

Event Summary with links

The Event today was a big picture attempt to square the circle of joined up tech, without a conversation about the tech at all.

We spoke about step one: A Book Design solution, only when completed, do we undertake all the components and training, to create the solution.

As a QR tech Co we view functionality as 90% of the solution, from a clients point of view, they very often see the Visual Design as 90 % of the solution, and we respect that. 
So much so, we allow up to 3 weeks of Artwork and Design to be completed, before we embark on the tech
William CEO Maltix Ltd


10:27 AM

Video SHORT intro

Video SHORT Book Design


10:30 AM

Book Launch Pack: This has to be completed before we can commence with a Maltix project

*Book Design Launch Pack


10:37 AM

Maltix has undertake surveys, we know the general public view, that a QR is a pictorial URL. We also know that a QR with a Designer Frame and a changing Call to Action gets high scan rates, via the Maltix Global Scan reporting system.

Selecting a bespoke QR for your project £49 the colour and Call to Action can change forever.

This is a licenced and serviced product

The QR library gets you a unique bespoke QR for an entire campaign subscription.

*Link to QR Library


10:40 AM

The QR can have various call to actions for Example Pre launch, Shop , Subscription


11:06 AM

We create your knowledge base and chat room and show you how to operate


*Knowledge Base Pack


11:07 AM

We create your data compliance pack for data and shop sales


*Data Compliance Pack ( Included for Free from Event today)


11:14 AM

We create the shops and data collection smart form pages that operate within  your Knowledge base articles.

These articles are then distributed through a platform we highly recommend (when your ready to launch).

11:21 AM

We connect up all the tech and do all the work for you, so you dont have to It all starts with a QR Lite Entry order here.

Maltix does all this for you so you dont have to, lets chat.

Book a time with William 

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