Maltix QR Biz Card: What is a vCard?
William Nicholls
Last Update a year ago
What is a vCard? SCAN or CLICK
A vCard enables you to send contact information in a format that can be easily read in all other programs.
A vCard is saved as a vcf file, which is the Internet standard for sharing contact information.
Your prospects can import or export a virtual card, called a vCard right off their phone.
vCard's contain all your contact information and can be changed at any time
You can print with confidence on the day, your QR always stays the same within your subscription, you can change the look and feel and call to action for different print or social media campaigns.
“Just part of your digital stationery“
Maurice T Watts Director Maltix
SCAN, ADD to your phone, phone desktop share, email and on your prospects phone in one second!