PhoneLite Entry: What you get

5 hours Clerical VA support included

William Nicholls

Last Update 4 days ago

PhoneLite Entry what you get options

100% Access to back office management:

Knowledge Base with Chat, Omni channel and Ticket

Phone Panel with QR share and add to Contacts button.

Carousel (slider) with 5 images and touch through links

Five additional pages with button links to Knowledge Base categories

Elevator pitch plus professional video option

Shops, Surveys, Contact forms, Data compliance pack, Knowledge base, Chat room, Ticketing, Dynamic QR and one Designer QR frame, Button creation, Goody bag and more!

Introduction to CRM and pro Newsletter

£399 SET UP: £25 per month subscription

Includes 5 hours VA Clerical Initial site plan creation for Knowledge base categories to commence project.

*All Maltix products require signed off art work including logos before any project can commence.

Your allotted VA support time will get your project off to a flier!!

SHOP PhoneLite Entry

*Momenzo 3rd Part App required for Real Estate and Auto sales solutions

* Multi departmental solutions available from the same Dynamic QR

* Bespoke, multi faceted Hospitality QR and smart form pages, built to order

* Low cost 3rd party subscriptions are necessary for all integrations to work. 

The objective!

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