PhoneLite Starter

What you get

William Nicholls

Last Update 4 days ago

Upgrade from Free to Starter 

Carousel ( slider) with 3 images and touch through links

Three additional pages with links.

£49 set up,  £7 monthly subscription

Includes one hour Lares Clerical VA via Zoom or Google Meet.

Spring deal purchase extra time with Lares VA Clerical and get on hour free.

Option to upgrade QR "for Life" frame, and replication, for multi QR campaign Call to Action from the Maltix QR library @ £39 per QR

Example QR link

Look and Feel of a typical PhoneLite Starter


Logo and Artwork has to be completed and signed off, before production.

Professional Design department 

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"

CEO Maltix Ltd

What you get

You may require additional help through Lares VA Clerical

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