QR PhoneSite Link group upgrade

Biz Card & and PhoneSite QR now print on the day of launch!

William Nicholls

Last Update 8 months ago

If you are organised and use the services of Lares VA, we can get you up and running in 24 hours!

Bring all your professional details together on the phone

Share your card to social media, WhatsApp, professional QR

Grow your business, the PhoneSite way

Version 2 update very soon with the latest Link group technology.

*A recent study found that the average attention span of a human is only 8.25 seconds, and a goldfish has 8.0.

Needless to say, our attention spans have drastically decreased over the years, and popular platforms like Tiktok and Instagram Reels are proof of this side effect.

So, how to grab your client’s attention and keep it long enough to get them engaged?

A QR business site we call PhoneSite, specifically built for the Smartphone

Short bio and elevator pitch, 5 image touch carousel Touch phone links and 5 further pages if required.

Your visiting card is the first impression of your identity to outside world.

Save, Chat, Email, WhatsApp, QR, Socialise all at one click and go

Maltix "Link group" technology future proofs the mind boggling social media platform choices fro small business on the phone.

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