In Situ QR solutions for SME

Maltix QR in the field

William Nicholls

Last Update a month ago

From a Client or Prospects point of view, why would they scan you QR ? 

Think “What’s in it for me?” Let’s use the power of copy.

The team of Directors at Maltix have real pedigree, both in professional qualifications and hard earnt business nouse.

We are convinced that future business on the Smartphone will continue to outpace the PC and that makes two major phone products very important within your future success.

Connecting in situ QR to your Phonesite

Adopting the same QR link but with a different call to action. Example

Individual QR landing page solutions

Business problem scenarios

Every business owner has problems that keeps them up at night, so lets revisit the QR for “shoot from the hip “right here right now” solutions.

Coupons or Discounts

QR that offers Coupons or Discounts, strategically placed for example lifts, foyers, flyers, posters, gifts, toilets, back of door in toilets, strategic alliances with local business, invoices, receipts, business cards, local press.


EVENT QR for just about any public offering you host. This type of QR is absolutely noddy proof and serviced for your needs within Maltix QR Business Application plan,It can be changed regularly after print!

Ratings and Feedback

Ratings and Feedback are so important, they accompany word of mouth feed back, an incredibly important part of the sales cycle to regenerate new business.

Combining QR with Smart Form Page technology

Images that load onto a phone with a Call to action. People love beautiful images and when accompanied with a captivating one liner or call to action this can seriously leapfrog the competition. Within the Maltix Silver plan we develop branded smart form pages to collect your clients data with full GDPR advice. This one links to a very expensive video provided by the Agent. Click or SCAN

The long term goal of collecting and managing your own data

VIDEO, it could be a regular changing video from yourself, explaining a deal or a marketing campaign, maybe an elevator pitch or business explainer developed for you within the Maltix Silver plan. We have a team of professional actors within our Avatar video creation services. Their Call to Action automates prospects data to your inbox and within the Maltix Gold plan we introduce and train you on a pro CRM, data segmentation and professional newsletter

QR for Social media

Maltix tm PhoneSite has all your social media, professional salutations and calendar booking ready to click, right off your Business card or Phone desktop.

vCard and social media within your Bizicard plan & PhoneLite and Phonesite. 

This is an extraordinarily effective way to spread the word on any smartphone. Effectively you use your existing clients or prospects to spread the word on their mobile device.

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