Making changes to my QR

The form automates to your VA on submission

William Nicholls

Last Update a year ago

Remember the actual QR code is yours, it cannot be changed.

We highly recommend a dark colour is employed at all times

The URL cannot be changed on a Dynamic QR because that breaks the SCAN

Static QR LINKS CANNOT BE changed after print.

Typically these are linked to Smart Form Pages because all their complications can be changed on the fly and their URL never changes.

Main product QR i.e. Bizcard and PhoneSite you probably wouldn't change its link, that wouldn't make any sense

BUT with all Dynamic QR:

What it links to - can be changed

What it looks like can be changed

It's Carcass can be changed

It's colour can be changed

It's core can be changed

It's corners can be changed

It's call to action can be changed

Multiple QR with different Call to Action linking to the same destination can be useful

LINK for Form Page to make changes to your QR all included in your subscription:

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