All roads lead to Rome. Rome is your business #2

All roads lead to Rome, thats your PhoneSite registration page

William Nicholls

Last Update 2 months ago

A Gladiatorial WARNING:

QR without a designer frame, captivating one liner or call to action gets a 1% Scan or click:

A QR is only a pictorial Domain name

A QR needs copy, no different to a newspaper or magazine front page.

If you use PR, QR its the perfect tool for print

Remember, a Dynamic QR also has a URL Example

Both generate QR reports Example

Captivating one liners get scans, use them!

What else can we connect a Dynamic QR to ?

All roads lead to Rome. Rome is your business

If you use QR this way always think about your true distribution channels

Your Knowledge Base Example

Registration and Engage page within your PhoneSite for push notifications Example 

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