All roads lead to Rome. Rome is your business #2

All roads lead to Rome Take the links and learn the lesson

William Nicholls

Last Update 2 months ago

A Gladiatorial WARNING:

QR without a designer frame, captivating one liner or call to action gets a 1% Scan or click:

A QR is only a pictorial Domain name

A QR needs copy, no different to a newspaper or magazine front page.

If you use PR, QR its the perfect tool for print

Remember, a Dynamic QR also has a URL

Both generate QR reports Example

If you have overcome your inclination and not been overcome by it, you have reason to rejoice. - Titus Macias Plautus

Captivating one liners get scans, use them in your articles

What else can we connect a Dynamic QR to ?

All roads lead to Rome. Rome is your business

Use QR the way that fits best with your campaign: 

Always think about your true distribution channel and App Registration ( automatic data source)  or leave me your details ( automates to CRM)

This is all part of your subscription

You can now opt for a Master QR inside a designer QR frame

"Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant." Trans "They make a desert and call it peace." - Tacitus, attributed to Calgacus.

True of Rome and of every Empire before and after Rome.

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