How to share your Knowledge Base articles, Bizcard, Lite, Site & EVENT page
Off the home screen, right off your phone
William Nicholls
Last Update 3 months ago

All Maltix Phone technology requires no APP store and resides as a simple bookmark on your phone and your clients phone.
It uses 99.86% less phone memory than your normal iOS APP
Bookmarks remain when normal downloads are deleted.
Touch it and you've got it technology from Maltix !
A phone desktop is commonly known as a home screen or main screen.
This is what we mean when we say, "Run your business off your phone"
How to share all Maltix products your off your Phone main screen
Sharing off your phone, distributing business cards and email QR signature plus Zoom backdrops and postal campaigns should get your daily Scans and shares up and beyond 50 a day!!!
Dynamic QR Scan reporting
Maltix QR Site