Most popular- PhoneSite SME

What you get

William Nicholls

Last Update 4 days ago

"Maltix Business solutions brings order into the chaos of online business"

PhoneSite SME includes: Knowledge Base categorisation and App navigation. A bespoke Dynamic QR Frame, A Data compliance pack, Web presence,  App Push notifications, Delineated App access thru login, Knowledge Base, Chat room, Shop, Ticketing system, 5 hours of trained VA Clerical onboarding support, this means that we empower you to:- 

  • Tell prospects about your business
  • Huge online visibility
  • Provide outbound messaging and push notifications via traditional and social media
  • Invite visitors to send you their details
  • Invite visitors to book a meeting with you
  • Invite visitors to register for notifications
  • Invite visitors to display their business on your PhoneSite
  • Describe your business with a customised video
  • Demonstrate the chat and information system
  • Share your Knowledge base (Free, registered, or paid, access)
  • Showcase different services or different businesses that you are involved with
  • Provide one touch access to your communications and social media channels
  • Provide detailed descriptions of your products or services
  • Distribute offers, deals, documentation via email, SMS and Push notifications
  • Demarcate visitors "Who sees what"
  • Segment data for complete outbound notification control
  • Enable the visitor to choose what notifications they want to receive 
  • Lares clerical flow diagram visualisation to "marry" Knowledge Base categories to your PhoneSite
  • Sell direct or create subscriptions via Stripe to your bank account
  • DocuSign
  • Surveys
  • Subscription shops
  • And much, much, more.......

Data management is key, this is the ultimate aim 

Say goodbye to the headaches of technology and technology people, and hello to a more efficient and productive business.

How to order

Maltix QR SME PhoneSite

£495 set up

£25 per month subscription



Low cost Third party subscription requirements may be required

Additional Lares VA services may be required dependent on your time availability and requirements.

Onboarding is automated to you and Lares VA services

Option one ORDER here: 

Maltix QR SME PhoneSite monthly

£200 set up

£69 per month for 15 months

Reverting to £25 per month thereafter

Option two ORDER here:

Fore larger more complicated PhoneSite's

Payment plan survey before I purchase

What you get after placing your order

Set up includes 5 hours of LARES Clerical VA support

VA Engagement advice

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