Recycling your data
Your leads, your prospects, your asset, your responsibility.
William Nicholls
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Your data, you own it, your balance sheet asset!

Video short, recycling your own data
*Data compliance is built into your subscriptions
Using QR Lite

Your Data are real people
"When they show interest or potential to become a customer. This can happen through various actions such as requesting more information, signing up for a newsletter or Registering in an app, or engaging with a company's content or social media posts. Prospects are typically further along in the sales process than leads and may be more likely to convert into paying customers"
William CEO Maltix Ltd
Automatic recycling of data within QR Lite
QR Lite Entry: Employs multiple shops, QR library and Call to Action, Likert Surveys, DocuSign integration, automatic CRM population, segmentation of data and email Newsletter technology compliance,
Data Compliance Pack.
3rd party subscriptions required
Using QR Site

Automatic recycling of data within QR Site
QR Site uses the internal data source management of a Progressive Web App.
Employs multiple shops, QR library and Call to Action, Likert Surveys, DocuSign integration, Automatic data segmentation though App Registration and App engagement, in App push notifications and segmented App access.
The App user has control of what they want to receive, the App owner has control over what they can access.
Data Compliance Pack
No 3rd party subscriptions required