QR that changes with your mood

What you get

William Nicholls

Last Update 2 days ago

#1 PhoneLite QR MOOD

What you get:

Everything in PhoneLite Starter plus

Carousel (slider) dynamic QR with 5 images and touch through links

Five additional pages with links.

Elevator pitch MP4 that can change regularly

All changes are completed with your dedicated Clerical VA

3 hours VA to kick things off @ £15 per hour

You choose the ongoing investment to make all the changes you require.

Weekly, Daily, Monthly ? your choose !

5 Interchangeable QR and click through images within carousel 

Ideal for Merchandise or matching your mood to your Apparel !

5 extra pages 

Optional Knowledge Base Chat room and ticketing system

Starter suggestion. Book extra hours with your VA for regular changes

£149 SET UP & £19 per month subscription

3 hours Clerical VA included

Order HERE

QR landing page options, you can go between, with VA services.

"Forever QR" stays the same

Recent QR touch through idea within the Carousel

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