A conversation with Dave Crane


William Nicholls

Last Update 9 months ago

I meet new people, social people, disparate people who all have something quite incredible in common.

Their life and their business have become emancipated by the solitude of COVID

The common ground of WhatsApp and My Most Trusted is permeating into fresh business practice with new ways to share and create exciting business connections for mutual benefit.

On a call with Dave Crane last night

We met proper on a Vanquish WhatsApp group call last Friday.

I added him into My Most Trusted referral circle, we arranged a Google Meet call.

We shared our business concepts and dreams.

Dave spoke of a new virtual Country of Digital Nomads and the power they possess for work change and support

The most important part of the call ?

Creating business dialogue to work and make business together.

Mutual symbiosis respect and introductions.

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