A conversation with Lis Hoyte BA (Hons) MSc. Author


William Nicholls

Last Update 4 months ago

My first impressions of this wonderful woman are her very fast talking and visual skills.

Tucked away in a back bedroom for a bit of peace and quiet with a woolly hat on told me that it was quite a cold day in the UK today and she agreed.

A mother of three kids plus step kids, she launched into a whistle stop tour at breakneck speed that challenged my short hand skills, thats a first !

The self help tools for Coercive control in any relationship

Empowering men and women in controlling relationships.

Lis helps Women and Men to ‘Break Free’ from Coercive Controlling relationships.

Her belief system is chiseled from her own experience with a thoughts on realising your own ‘Power’ with less focus on the perpetrators actions which can ultimately hinder.

After experiencing this type of abuse for nearly 2 decades Lis wants to spread awareness of coercive control on different platforms in order to create new beginnings and build new models to support those experiencing this type of abuse.

Her first book was called Break Free my journey, and she talked about her personal journey over the last 18 years and how this has helped her develop and precipitate change in peoples mindsets.

She spoke at length of abusive relationships that are put onto children from any gender and the damage that causes in parenting relationships.

This inspirational work is forging her new book focusing on children with tools and ideas to empower children on their transformational journey of change with disjointed parenting.

Lis spoke about co-parenting within coercive controlling adults, and a unhealthy propensity or obsession to turn children against the protective parent. Using children as pawns inside an already baffling relationship.

Super encouraging

What’s super encouraging is that the book stands a great chance of entering the national UK curriculum. Its being tested with three local schools for national quality assurance thereafter.

I asked questions about her views on the judiciary system and we both agreed that the system is divisive citing a recent story on Malta.

A woman was actually murdered last week by her abusive estranged husband.

Court cases and divisive lawyers rolling on for months or years, ineffective policing.

Stuck in the middle of all these problems are the children.

Lis asked this question, do social services fully understand coercive control and have they got the skills to recognise?

From experience, her opinion is they filter problems into layers within the fabric of social services and that that hinders effective process.

We agreed a resounding NO on the capability of courts to facilitate a healthy outcome for children.

Lis is very focused on self-help and she actually helps protective parents put together historical abuse information for court cases.

We share a vision of connecting her books to the readership through Dynamic QR codes, The smartphone is the key to this success.

We shared the wonderful idea that she can hold events one on one with her readership or run events with up to 100 potential people on any call for free using Google Meet organised on a new smart phone event platform built by Maltix, the first of its kind.

In order for Lis to be in better position to make this project fly she became a certificated speaker in May 2021.

3 things about Lis: Courageous: Emotionally intelligent: Quick !

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